Product Description
This MALDI-TOF MS analysis is suitable for analyzing intact ADC and other protein conjugate of MW up to 200,000 KDa. Other protein conjugates that we analyze routinely at CellMosaic® include protein-drug-conjugates (PDCs), BSA or Ova small molecule conjugates, and HRP small molecule conjugates.
If the conjugate sample is submitted together with an unlabeled protein or antibody (counted as two samples), the resulting data can be used to calculate the loading ratio. A standard pdf file of the MS profile with the loading will be supplied.
Per sample charge.
Setup fee for MALDI-TOF sample processing (Cat# MS0015S) of $200 applies per batch analysis. Setup fee will be waived if the conjugate is made using CellMosaic's kit. Please include CellMosaic's kit order number when you place the order.
Standard Service is 1-2 weeks.
Sample submission for protein and their conjugates:
1) Supply your over 100 microgram of ADC or other protein conjugate samples (solid or solution) in a screw cap micro-centrifuge tube. Label the vial properly.
2) For DAR calculation, submit over 50 microgram of conjugate sample (solid or solution) in a screw cap micro-centrifuge tube. Label the vial properly.
2) Ship your sample with a cold pack for overnight delivery.
Example of MALDI-TOF Analysis
ADC Information: CM51102: ADC Control hIgG1-SN38, Lot#: S412.S13.0801B, ~3.2 DAR
Figure 1: MALDI-TOF Mass Analysis of Antibody before (Left) and after conjugation with SN38 (Right) using ADC Control hIgG1-SN38 (CM51102) as an example.